Here you can find the information on frequent questions or concerns.

  • Is Honeycomb the same as the Jewish Teen Funders Network?

    We rebranded to “Honeycomb” in 2021 (we used to be known as the Jewish Teen Funders Network or JTFN for short). We are glad you are here!

  • Why the name Honeycomb?

    The core structure of a honeycomb is the intricate hexagon hive that enables an entire ecosystem to exist. Our goal with Honeycomb as an organization and its focus on Jewish youth philanthropy is that it is built upon a strong and vibrant infrastructure and network.


    Another  key part of our work, both in our philanthropy methodology, and also as an intrinsic part of our organization, is collaboration and doing. When we work together to achieve a common goal, we empower ourselves and others to make change in the world. We found inspiration in the imagery of bees, working together in the hive to build something  together. Bees are stronger together than alone, but each bee has a role and serves a purpose – we believe that each participant’s opinions are important, AND that each person’s contributions is valuable and needed to have impact on the world.


    Honey is also an important symbol is Judaism – we dip apples in honey to represent a sweet new year and personal renewal, we traditionally have drops of honey during Torah learning to represent the sweetness of education, and we refer to Israel as the “Land of Milk and Honey”. 

  • Is Honeycomb part of the Jewish Funders Network?

    Honeycomb (formally known as the Jewish Teen Funders Network) was created in 2006 as a program of the Jewish Funders Network, an international organization dedicated to maximizing the quality and impact of Jewish youth philanthropy. Honeycomb continues to operate within the Jewish Funders Network (JFN).

  • How do I start a youth philanthropy program?

    Jewish youth philanthropy programs can be tailored to your community and can be hosted in many different types of host organization (Federations, Foundations, JCCs, Jewish day schools, synagogues and summer camps). Contact Matt Bergman (Communications and Engagement Manager) to help you navigate starting your program. For more specialized consultancy, check out our Consultations page.

  • Does Honeycomb fund youth programming?

    Honeycomb periodically has specific initiatives where we fund new or existing Jewish youth philanthropy programs. Check out our Initiatives page for updates on our current initiatives.

  • I’m a nonprofit - how do I apply to the local youth boards for funds?

    Each youth board is independently run by its own host organization, each with their own mission statements and funding priority. Please contact the programs directly in order to view their funding criteria and Request For Proposals (RFP). 

  • Does Honeycomb have a curriculum?

    Yes we do! We have many different curriculum, resources and tools available. Check out our Resource Page to see our great materials.

  • Does Honeycomb have a platform for online fundraising?

    Yes we do! The Giving Hive (powered by Givebutter) is our online fundraising platform. Check our Giving Hive page for full details.

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