ChangeMakers: A Journey Through Jewish Teen Philanthropy
As part of our suite of Honeycomb resources and tools, we are delighted to share with you our curriculum ChangeMakers: A Journey Through Jewish Teen Philanthropy. This full curriculum includes philanthropy methodology, full session plans, facilitation guidance, experiential education techniques, handouts and resources. Click here to view a preview of the curriculum. Use code "CurriculumPackage" at checkout for 10 % off your purchase when you purchase the full curriculum and the Online Curriculum together. For individuals, organizations or programs in our network who have consulted with one of our team, there is a program curriculum fee of $189.The Honeycomb Changemakers Full Curriculum is for the sole consumption and use by the individual receiving services. By agreeing to this terms of use policy, you agree not to post or share this curriculum with any other organization or individual, including but not limited to posting on any website, sharing by email or printing and distributing copies.
Once you submit your order, the PDF of the curriculum should automatically generate for you. If you experience any trouble, please reach out to info@honeycomb.org for assistance.Details
ChangeMakers: A Journey Through Jewish Teen Philanthropy is unique and ground breaking curriculum for those looking to inspire the next generation of changemakers.
We are excited to present this new curricular resource to guide Jewish teens on their philanthropic journey, guided by powerful questions, Jewish texts and values. Jewish youth philanthropy programs are diverse in their goals, time spans, and affiliations, and this modular resource can be used to build your own unique curriculum that meets the needs of your own program and community. The program is built around 4 Phases, each of which contains many concrete ideas and suggestions for facilitators to choose from.
Through the lens of 7 Jewish values, 12 Mitzvot and 22 Justice Issues, this brand new curriculum includes a wealth of activities, tools, games, lesson plans and expert content to suit any youth philanthropy program, big or small.
The curriculum includes:
- Full modular curriculum that can be adapted to your needs.
- Unique 4-Phase model of philanthropy education.
- Lesson plans with full instructions with pathway guides so that the sessions can be tailored to fit the length and style of your program.
- Over 100 activities, games and exercises!
- 34 ready-to-use handouts, templates and information sheets.
- Detailed Jewish text source sheets with accompanying activities.
- Holiday activities that can be seamlessly integrated into your program.
- Opening rituals, icebreakers and closing reflection activities to enhance your program.
- Planning templates, facilitator guide and best practices for educators.
- Games and activities for the accompanying Philanthropy Deck and Compass, that can be purchased separately or as a package (contact us for package purchase details).